Thursday, 29 November 2012

Welcome to my blog

Long-time birder, short-time photographer. That pretty much sums up my birding world. Oh and I'm a twitcher. I'm also not the most eloquent guy around, so please don't expect amazing imagery and world-class writing. That's why this is just a free google blog. I'll try to update this site fairly frequently. With the uni year (my first) just finished, I'll hopefully have a lot of time on my hands for birding, processing pictures (the bane of my life and my hardrive), and posting on here.

The title of this blog, I hope is obvious to most people, is a pun on the title of a book I studied in Year 11, Of Mice and Men (someone Stienbeck, his first name awkwardly eludes me). The idiomatic line that the title is drawn from, "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry" seems to suit birding perfectly to me. Nothing ever works out exactly as you hope, or as you expect. At least in my experience. I guess that's a great attraction; you can go to a site you've been to a hundred times before, and still see something new.

Whether this blog features anything of my life outside birding remains to be seen, but it shall evolve as it goes, and I'll see where that leads me. So, hopefully, enjoy reading, and I should have my first proper post up in the next day or so.